All of My Springs Are in You | Painting Description

All of My Springs are in You | 16 x 20 inch Acrylic Painting by Matilda Wentzel

As always you are free to interpret this piece however you choose or are led to understand it.

These are simply my own thoughts which I feel inspired to share.

My own interpretations change as I revisit with pieces as time goes on, but these are my initial thoughts at the time of creation.

I started this piece on my birthday, Aug 20, 2022. On such a day we usually ask, “What do I want out of this next year?” and, “what am I thankful for which has gone on this past year?”

I was lead to a specific spiritual text which I’d written in my book of ideas, it is Psalm 87: 7 and it says, “Singers and dancers alike say,
‘All my springs are in you.’”

I felt like this verse embodied what I have been focusing on my whole life, and more so I want to double down on this year (and every year). It could mean many things to different people, but it me it means: All that I am, all I love, all I desire and pursue, my dreams, my needs, everything that my life consists of originates from One Source. The more that I realize this, the more I am able to trust in that Source and be free of all fear. All is Within.

A spring of water is nourishment; it is life! So this closeness with Source that I desire is fed by that which inspires me. Everything I love is meant to bring me closer to this One Longing. All I pursue is rooted in my first pursuit of The Infinite One. And in seeking, my roots dig deeper and ground me in my Own Divine Center.

Therefore, this painting became a bit of a “vision-board” and is a reminder that in the world of truth, I have all that I need, and I am on the path to realizing even more than my imagination can come up with.

Furthermore, I wanted to add to the power of this piece and incorporate the idea of fruition. I was given the verse, “Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.” ­­­~Rev. 3:8

And so deeper and deeper we are called, may we listen and surrender all our love and the things we love to The Ultimate Holder of such Love!




A Willow Waterfall