About Matilda Wentzel
Look a little closer, look a little longer and you may find yourself in a world of whimsical delight! Matilda’s art guides us to wander inside of ourselves, inspiring the stories of our own imagination to come to life. “It's all about having a wild and carefree love for life,” says Matilda, “living life to the fullest & noticing every moment is sacred.”
Her paintings have a wonderful way of revealing new hidden details every time you take a look, you never know what you'll find when you give yourself the time to take it all in. Indeed, her work challenges us to think past our borders and interpret from a soulful place of contemplation.
Working in acrylic paint, she uses fine line work and bright colors to create an illustrative piece. A variety of styles arise from heavily textured work to an extremely smooth canvas. Matilda mentions, “I like to wander freely as I create and approach the easel with the intention to learn and try something new.”
Her work inspires us to love nature, love each other, and to truly love ourselves!
Artist Statement
“I love to be within a state of worship, prayer and flow. This is the quiet space of Presence I find as I paint.
Naturally a sense of peace and calm is infused into the canvas and translates to you in an unexplainable way, tugging on your emotions and animating that which is already within your heart.
Each piece is backed by the intention of revealing Christ and bringing others into God’s Presence. You can learn more about my vision here.
I pour my heart and soul into my paintings, knowing that I am planting seeds of love, the harvest of which will be outpoured on all who connect with my work.
This space of stillness is my spiritual practice where I do the inner work of healing and rejuvenation, making space for you to do the same. The passion I bring to my work is all-consuming and arises from the same place as worship, keeping me grounded, centered, and teaching me to make my whole life a practice of praise” ~Matilda
Matilda was home schooled and participated in private art lessons through portions of Middle School and High School from Roanoke Virginia Artist, Martha Rhodes. Martha introduced Matilda to painting at a time when she often said, “I don’t like to paint, I only like to draw.” Matilda is incredibly thankful to her grandparents who made these classes available and always encouraged her work.
She finished high school paying her own way to take a few local studio workshops. She decided not to take the highly encouraged path of Art School based on the stories she had heard of creatives “giving up their art entirely” with nothing but student loans leftover.
Matilda contributes her creativity to the time spent as a child playing in the woods and the freedom home-education brought to her energy and decisions.
Her current style and techniques are self-taught through many years of experimentation with lots of different mediums.
Image by Lia Sol: Lia Sol