I LOVE Planet Earth!
…and I’m committed to taking care of her, one step at a time.
This page can be used as a cheat sheet for easy ways to get started yourself. I’ve got links to all my favorite alternatives, from art, to personal life at home, anyone can use these ideas to get started.
I grew up spending most of my time out in nature. I was homeschooled and so I often had the opportunity to get outdoors. I would take my textbooks deep into the woods and study on my own or would complete my school as quickly as possible so I could go play in the forest, build huts, and live out imaginary storylines!
This, as well as gardening all throughout childhood, led me to develop a deep love for plants. However I was never taught about taking care of the planet, I didn’t know that was something I needed to do until my early twenties. Growing up we didn’t recycle and I didn’t think twice about using plastic. Now I am very aware of everything I throw in the trash and all the plastic that passes through my hands. What is even more important is our awareness to everything we buy to begin with, from packaging to how it was made. And this is something I'm practicing more.
Therefore, I not only have a desire to run a sustainable art business, but also to live sustainably in all areas of life.
As with any changes, it’s easier when they happen slowly. It often takes some getting used to. So I’m always looking for ways to eliminate single use items, plastic, or anything wasteful or unnecessary. Then I integrate the changes as I go along.
It is also worth mentioning that marketers have capitalized on the feeling of shame when advertising to in order to sell more “seemingly sustainable” products in the name of “good for the planet” as a mask for making more money. Our planetary health is not due to consumerism, there are much larger contributing factors.
It does not help the matter if we view ourselves as “consumers”. We do not need to label ourselves in this way, rather we are citizens of the Earth who show forth gratitude to the generosity of resources we have been given, and we think of the future generations with love, acting for them. Already younger Generations have been rising up to the mark and doing their part to change the way our society runs.
While habits of waste (not trash but literally wasting things which could still be used, re-used, or put to a different use, instead throwing them away), while these “habits” do need to be examined, it is the systems in place and the companies who make plastic that could make the biggest differences.
As well as environmental issues that have nothing to do with plastic or waste, larger corporations do need to start embracing more sustainable practices and this is something that we as individuals can encourage through our habits of media and mental visualizations.
Take these as ideas for you to integrate! I list my art changes as well as personal ones that anyone can start to do.
Here’s some of the changes I’m making in my art business:
I am experimenting with a new paint called “Acrylik, Natural Earth Paint” It is plant-based, non-toxic, can be filtered out of our water systems, contains no plastic, contains pigments 100% from the earth with no synthetic pigments. Although I am still using Acrylic paint as well and I may use it for the rest of my life, I am not sure we shall just see, it all depends, I remain Open. This natural paint is not currently holding its texture before use and separating into gritty forms, rendering it unusable. It's new medium, so more time is required for the company to get their product right. Not to mention this paint is only plant-based and is not biodegradable, but it is still better than the chemical field alternative. I currently have these pieces for sale in this acrylic alternative: Divine Download Study, Till I Reach the Golden…
I use “drop-shipping” for most of the products printed with my art. This means items are made to order (one at a time) so there is no extra inventory left over that ends up in a Landfield as so many companies do (see more info: Fashion on Climate.) This option of selling also allows for less shipping material and trucks on the road because the item gets sent straight from the manufacturer, not to me first and then to the customers again. Recently I made a sale to New Zealand and the print shipped from Australia instead of from the Sates where I live because the printing company I use has bases all over the world and ships from the nearest ones. (You can see the company I use sustainability pledge here: Sustainability and Responsibility at Printful)
I reuse shipping supplies whenever possible.
I sell locally or in person whenever possible so that no shipping resources are needed at all.
I recycle items used in my art business whenever possible
I make sustainable products like recycled swimsuits and recycled sweatshirts when I have the opportunity. I have plans to make items that encourage more sustainability, like reusable shopping bags printed with art!
I look for ways to make what I already have available in more sustainable ways.
I make high quality artwork and products that are meant to last, so you don’t need to buy the same item again or throw out the old.
I reuse paper towels in my art practice, simply let them dry and use them again and again. I also use old rags made out of t-shirts that would have been throw in the trash whenever I can to avoid using paper towels.
I always look for sustainable options when freelancing my art and working with companies.
I plan to never buy the microplastic glitter for my artwork again, I currently have some that I need to use up and I do my best to contain it and get it in artwork that's going to last a long time and not end up in a land field. Glitter is a micro plastic, it gets in our water and I regret buying the one that I have now, as they do make biodegradable glitter and I wish that I would have bought that one instead, so next time!
Here’s some of the changes I’m making in my personal life:
One of the best ways to make a difference is with diet and travel.
I am vegetarian
I first committed to no longer eating Cows (beef products - why call it beef when they are actually dead cows?) I made this choice not because of the planet but just because I love cows and how cute they are, they have such a calm and peaceful demeanor that makes me not want to eat such precious animals. It's a bonus that it's a huge help to the planet too, because beef farms are one of the highest carbon emissions when it comes to food. I have since stopped eating all animals.
I moved back east where my family lives so that I do not have to fly in airplanes as much, I do not like flying anyways. But I still have plans to fly to see other parts of the world. But in the past I was making quite a few flights back home each year from Montana to Virginia, but now live closer so that I can see my family more often and especially not have to fly!
I recycle items used in our personal life whenever possible
I use a reusable menstrual product, called the Flex Disk. Absolute game changer, a must have!
I use reusable Q-tips. These do take a little getting used to, but I actually like them better. Unfortunately one of mine broke, so maybe find a different company than the one listed at my link.
In the kitchen we use reusable towels, food wraps and storage, etc. Whenever possible. Lots of options for these here.
At home I use reusable toilet fabric (like toilet paper that’s not paper). Only for number pee. I actually prefer this to regular paper, 100%!! I like the fabric WAY more, so glad I use it!! It’s so easy, you just wash it with your laundry! And it is way more comfortable to use soft fabric than paper that flakes off and leaves a mess. Plus I never get leakage through the fabric to my fingers, which usually happens with paper.
I eliminate the need to use plastic in our toiletries whenever possible, I use Ecoroots shampoo and conditioner, and shaving soap bars. Although when I run out of these, I am planning to start shopping for these products locally to eliminate shipping.
I use a razor which has a replaceable blade. Still some plastic waste but not as much.
Personally I don’t currently use make up. It's uncomfortable to me, I always accidentally rub my eyes and make myself look all raccoon-like.
I don’t use glowsticks or allow others to give them to me to play with. These are single use plastics filled with chemicals that usually get wasted. I see them lying on the ground in party environments like trash and no one is even enjoying them, yet they are still glowing! I feel very strongly about this rule for myself and there is absolutely no exception.
I do my best not to use the microplastic glitter in party environments to put on my face or decorate myself. I’m happy to use biodegradable face glitter if someone offers.
I use Tru Earth Laundry strips so that I don’t have to use a giant tub of plastic for our detergent.
I use sustainability conscious dish detergent and soaps whenever possible.
I use reusable tissues. Easy, just throw them in with the laundry. The link I’m sharing does not provide the most soft tissues, do a little research of your own to find another company with softer tissues.