Awakened Words! Together, let's transform the way we speak!

Taste & See The Kingdom of Fruition

a painting description

In this kingdom we see the reality behind the reality, clearly as the water flows down to us, we understand where it all originates. Everything that was ever spoken begins unfolding in patterns of pathways, words riding the waves of emotion out to touch everything in its wake, out to break open the possibilities beyond our deepest dreams. Like the patterns & pathways in our mind, the ‘oh so familiar,’ the drenching rain of illusion, unfolding as it always has. 

But here, this is where we leave those old thoughts behind & drop in the bucket the words originating from them, we find those habitual sayings are not so harmless afterall. We are not so quick to say them; not when we’re swimming in those words. Eventually we all wake up and realize we have everything we’ve been talking about over the years and some of those things we wish we hadn’t complained so much about. 

Will we wake up? 

Isn’t this kingdom dreamlike? 

I’ve been in a dream, were you there with me? 

Once I had let those complaints spill effortlessly from my mouth, completely unchecked. They created my nest. I felt comfortable there, comfortable telling the stories of victimhood, I guess I liked it. I liked feeling small, pitied, like I had a good excuse to be the way I was. Till one day I noticed I was drowning in those swimmy words, the river of momentum became too much, I’d lost my foothold. And when I woke up! Turns out I was the victim that I’d convinced myself I was. What had come out of me; out of my mouth, out of my heart, had become my reality! 

Somehow when spring came, the flowers of truth began to bloom. Those flowers that had been haunted in their endless winter of sifting through the dirt, no sun, no warmth, hardly any water. In all honesty, they didn’t even start growing for what seemed like forever! 

Those painful pansies and peonies told me that if I was the one who took on the words, who told the stories about who I was and what kind of power I had or didn’t have, ultimately it was up to me to turn those stories around and start telling new ones, ones that were actually true for once.

And realizing what I had planted, even what others had planted; realizing what I took with me into my winter, it became easier to cut myself some slack when I saw thorns popping up. Spring doesn’t always come with flowers it turns out. But I've made a commitment, my words demonstrate my commitment to plant better seeds this time around. I plant my words with intention and in turn, those words plant their momentum back into my heart. Everywhere I look I see words being planted. The sweetness of the fruit they bear is proof that those words were sweet seeds. When I bite into the bitter fruit, indulge in the mouth full of gravel that entices me with it’s lies, I spit it out! Quick too! Those words are nasty! It’s hard to believe I sought out that taste at one point. Nowadays, I set time aside to dig up those seeds from my heart, because that fruit had to begin somewhere, and I realize it was inside of me. 

When it’s inside of us, we don’t need to be scared of it, all we have to do is recognize that these words are within the boundaries of our own power, our own responsibility! Nobody else can come along and speak your words for you, nothing outside of us can clean out our own junk. Spit it out! Engage the muscles of your own tongue, make the commitment to only swallow sweet tasting words. 

You know what tastes good when you say it. You can tell by the fruit in your life! What does your life taste like?! What will your tomorrow taste like?

The Gate is only open for those who are committed, once you walk through there’s no turning back. Now is the time to spit out into The Fire what you don’t want to perpetuate on the other side. This Fire is small, yet all encompassing; it will swallow up everything thrown into it! Part of this Fire is "outside" of you, yet you must connect with the fiery passion of your own heart to utilize it! Stirring up the Divine Embers within you and releasing the fire to The One who is at the Center of The Larger Flame.

Not left to only one option, there is a rainbow at this gate as well. These colorful streams give back to you whatever it is you throw into it, transmuted into light, transformed into the strength to carry on; up the steps, however long that journey may be. No matter how long, twisty, and contorted our own personal stairway appears, we are committed! 

And when we find ourselves together in this Kingdom, everything is clear. The miracles are abundant, as consistent as the flow of the river, as common as the grass. Every last dream is savored into existence, the taste is deliciously dancing in my mouth!

Perhaps many of us are already a part of this kingdom, going ever deeper into its realms; the spiral of positivity with its endless momentum, leading us to our next gate, our next realization of Christ within us. I Am The Gate. I AM.

Our every word is backed by the power of God who “Him/Herself” is The Word. And will we say with The Word, “I Am The Word”? 

What power is in a word spoken with emotion? Because we cannot leave out emotion, for without it, a word is motionless, empty, and without intention. Emotions go beyond words, beyond languages, welcoming in the power of The Rainbow of Light. 

Now is the time for transformation, a renewal of the words we speak, a time to step into a new reality and taste and see that The LORD is good!

Further thoughts for contemplation:

> What we talk about is where our attention goes and we start to notice more and more of the same.

How easy to change our world by simply changing the way we speak. But the tongue, can it be tamed? Yes, with practice and surrender, indeed it must be transformed! 

> Words I've replaced and simply told TheSelf "I do not say":




& "Struggle". 

I've decided to tame the tongue by replacing "my" with "this, the or that" in applicable circumstances. For example, instead of saying "my anxiety" or "myself" or "my body" and "my money" (as if I own anything, or as if The True Self is the body.)

By saying "my" it's almost like saying "I AM" it's a way to identify ourselves with something, own something, or be attached to something. 

Instead of defining TheSelf and identifying TheSelf with anxiety by saying "my anxiety", it would be much more empowering to label it as it is, "the anxiety" because it's not mine, it's not something that is part of my True Self. 

I've also decided to tame my tongue by replacing the word "hard" with "challenging". Just test this one out for yourself, it is so empowering and liberating!! 

Let's tame our tongues by completely refusing (to the best of our ability) to say "struggle", "should" and "try".

These words are so degrading! 

Instead of saying, "I'm trying to eat healthier" It would be so much better to say, "I'm focusing on eating healthier", or "I'm welcoming a more healthy diet into my life." If you have the belief behind it (to where you can say it feeling honest) you could say "I am eating healthier" & just drop the try substitutes altogether! 

Dropping the word "should" is so freeing! How disempowering it is to say "I should be this way" or "I should be doing this." It's better to use words like "I'm excited to be doing this" or "I'm allowing myself to be guided to the next step" or "I know I'm learning and I'm exactly who I need to be right now."

Dropping the word "struggle" is an obvious one, when you use the word "struggle" you're just welcoming more struggle into your life (by giving your attention to the things that are challenging). You could replace this word with anything that gives you a better feeling, such as, "I'm waiting for this to be resolved" or, "I am peaceful in the midst of this circumstance" or if you're not peaceful yet, you could say, "I'm desiring to be peaceful regardless of what's going on in my life" and so on.

> Our word is God in action; God’s Word.

Whatever it is that you are saying is keeping you at the level of which you are speaking. Words can drag you down or lift you up....or just perpetuate more of the same. Choose wisely. 

> Taste & See The Kingdom of Fruition

The title of this painting was inspired by scripture, there's a verse in the Bible that says, "Taste and see that The LORD is good" and often Jesus talks of, "The Kingdom of Heaven."

So when titling this piece I wanted to inspire our hearts to desire Divine Love as our highest aim. In other words, to desire to be One with The Nameless One as our end goal. 

Fruition is to embody completion. As Jesus himself said as he died on the cross, "It is finished." 

It is completed. It is already done, already accomplished. 

But what is "it"? Oneness, realizing The Kingdom of God within us!

To taste God is to taste the fulfillment of "Her/Him" within us.

> The Proverbs 31 Woman is said to have, "The teaching of kindness and council on her tongue" this painting is a prayer that I may speak wisdom and counsel to others as I have been called to, not shrinking back in fear, but openly speaking the inspired truth I am given. 

This painting is also a prayer for the manifestation of fruition and fulfillment in this art career I'm pursuing, not as a completion of the journey, but as a comforting knowing that I am on the path God has chosen for me, not swerving off into the selfish ideas the ego has for me, but wholeheartedly surrendering to the Divine Dream God has for this Life I live. 

There's beautiful balance of releasing all the outcomes of our dreams & surrendering them; giving up control.

It's in that place of giving up control that we have the most control, but we cannot reach that place with the intention of having control.

"Mastery of life is the opposite of control" ~Eckhart Tolle

"The Master takes action

by letting things take their course.

He does not collect precious things;

he learns not to hold onto ideas.

He helps people find their true nature

but does not venture to lead them by the nose.

Rushing into action, you fail.

Trying to grasp things, you lose them.

By forcing a project to completion,

you ruin what was almost ripe."

~Vs 64 of the Toe De Ching 

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” ~Luke 6:45

"Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits."

~Matthew 21:43

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” ~Proverbs 18:21

“By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." ~Matthew 12:37 

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” ~Proverbs 16:24

“Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” ~Psalm 141:3 

“A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” ~Proverbs 15:4

"'It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.' Then the disciples came and said to him, 'Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?' He answered, 'Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.'" ~Matthew 15:11‭-‬13 

“The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.” ~Proverbs 15:28

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” ~Proverbs 12:18

💕Endless & absolute love be with you always, for together we are One Love💕


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