The Inner Dialog. How to Have Awareness Around our Thoughts.
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These tools facilitate the ability to maintain a consistent & empowering state of mind through working with our thoughts words and actions!
Included you’ll find an Art Print Download to be used as a visual reminder, a Daily Mediation to reprogram the subconscious mind, & 5 Educational Videos to guide you through the process!
Today’s topic is super juicy and at the heart of this series discussion! Today we’re talking about our thoughts. Thoughts are the foundation to growth, they are where our words and actions begin. Last week I wanted to start with words because they can be easier to catch than thoughts. Words are a great way to notice what you are thinking because every word begins with a thought.
But why is it so important to pay attention to the thoughts we think?
Well, because although sometimes they feel like waves that crash into us that we have no control over, in truth, we have 100% control over whether or not we believe the thoughts and it’s really a CHOICE to continue to dwell on a thought or to let it pass on it’s way like a cloud.
Neuroscience has explained that every time a thought is thought it contributes to the neuron pathways in the brain and the thought becomes easier to think the next time around. Sometimes it can be a long journey to break down old thought patterns by breaking the habits of thought. But what we don’t use, we lose! And that’s good news when it comes to forgetting & ridding ourselves of disempowering thought patterns!
There’s also links from one thought to the next, usually they have to be triggered by something. Hardly ever will a completely random thought arise, usually they are connected to something in our experience or more important to realize, they are connected to the last thought that we had.
As a kid, when I was falling asleep at night, I always enjoyed tracing my thoughts back to see how I had been led to such a random place. I may have started thinking about sky scrappers yet ended up thinking about stuffed animals! The same is true for day to day life, one thought leads to the next.
So why is this simple truth so important?
Because if you’re in a really down and out place you can’t just expect yourself to suddenly be optimistic… have to gradually move your way up to that place. But also we must understand….and this was absolutely pivotal in my own journey. We must understand that we don't get to the deep dark place all of a sudden either! It starts with just a single unchecked thought. But maybe that first unchecked thought didn’t really feel that bad, so it’s not super easy notice it. But that slightly disempowering thought led to the next, which eventually led to spiraling out of control.
At one point I was under the impression that panic attacks just showed up out of nowhere, but once I started to watch my thoughts I could see the connection. One negative thought leads to the next until you’ve lost all sight of your true self.
That’s why it’s so important to keep a close eye on the thoughts we dwell on and entertain. There’s nothing shameful about having negative thoughts, but the dwelling on them is simply a habit that can be changed if we choose and consciously make that decision.
It may be a challenging road but well worth it if you are patient! Our thoughts are full of power and it’s time for all of us to take our power back, regain the energy that we’ve been using to dwell on that which does not lift us up and start dwelling on that which is in alignment with our highest good.
Of course not everybody has thoughts that paralyze them or hold them back. Thoughts are powerful in lots of other ways too! Our thoughts bring our attention to things and that which has our attention is what gets our energy & whatever we spend our energy on gains momentum.
So when speaking about congruency in our thoughts, words, and actions, it’s important to have the momentum of those areas all going in the same direction because that’s when growth and transformation truly begins!
When we think positively ½ the time and negatively the other half, these thoughts cancel each other out, our energy gets dispersed in so many different directions and creates distraction and tug of war within.
But What direction are we even talking about?
The direction of going With the FLOW!!
Yes, with the flow of the Divine dream for your life. With the flow of the natural desires and passions we have been given and entrusted with. Those that arise out of the true self and not the egotistic false identity desires.
So knowing that our thoughts draw our attention to something, we want to Focus on what we want and not on what we don’t want. Sometimes this means Changing the subject when our inner dialog starts taking us somewhere that’s not in alignment with the highest good. And sometimes this means stepping up and meditating on that which does go with the flow of life. Meditating on Unity! Unity with the true inner self, unity with one another, and most beautifully, unity with The Divine All-in-All!
Meditation is really a daydream, it’s a prayer. We are meditating all the time whether we realize it or not! So we must ask ourselves,
“What am I meditating on?”
“What am I dwelling on?”
Thoughts are powerful because they invoke the imagination, they are the start to all things! An idea is powerful. All things begin with ideas and all thoughts are really just ideas. How beautiful when we are unified with the highest good and every thought becomes a divinely inspired idea!
As mentioned in the first video of this series, beliefs are at the core of our thoughts. So opening our imagination up to the limitless possibilities available to us, also opens us up to living out our highest potential.
What do you believe is possible?!
When we have a desire to be in alignment and live in congruence, we must also follow that up with belief and faith because we cannot think beyond our beliefs.
Once a therapist named Herrietta said to me, “If you truly believe in the blessings, you do not think any thoughts that doubt the blessings.”
Did you get that? You may wanna reread that quote!
When you believe something it will change how you interpret a situation. So therefore when you change what you assume to be true, you also change what shows up in your life experience. Believing and having faith in what you do not already see opens you up to new possibilities and experiences. In true Prayer there is deep belief
EVERY word, thought, and action, is an expression of the prayer our heart is truly holding.
Faith and belief is what this series is all about! Embodying our beliefs, living out our faith in the unseen, in that Highest Good! In that Divine Dream for our life! Showing up in life like we’ve learned the lessons! Talking, speaking, acting, and thinking in ways that prove to ourselves and others the truth of our true self and the truth of all the limitless possibilities available to us! This is where we truly walk the talk!!!
Why? Because disbelief & gratitude can’t live on the same street! They just don’t fit together! If you are actually grateful for your life and grateful for the full potential living inside of you already, you don’t stifle your growth and your ability to show up with fears, doubts and indecision!! You just can’t! If you do, then you miss out on the divine dream. And not only you, lots of people & the whole planet and environment misses out on the good you could have contributed! Plus gratitude will naturally bring you into the flow of inspired thoughts!
Gratitude brings you into the flow of inspired words!
Gratitude brings you into the flow of inspired actions!
Gratitude brings you into the flow! Always!!!!!!
Whether you resonate more with the beginning of this post, on releasing anxieties and the spiral of depression, or you resonate more with being deliberate about where you place your focus and being an open, surrendered conduit of divine power to work through you. Know that you are exactly where you are meant to be in order to bring about the highest good in your life. You’re not left behind, it’s not too late!
Start imagining, envisioning, and interpreting your current circumstance from the perspective that everything happening, where you currently are, and what you’ve been learning is a tool and a teacher and is contributing to you being able to step into the highest version of you!! Interpret your current reality and circumstance in a way that empowers you by noticing how what is happening in that moment is contributing to your desires that are in alignment with the highest good!
This is the time to embrace cognitive dissonance & disrupt patterns! Cognitive dissonance is the uncomfortable feeling you get when your brain says, “This isn’t familiar so it must not be safe, I’m gonna put up guards and make change more challenging to accomplish." or it can also help you by saying, “Hum, she says she wants to do this, but she’s acting another way, I’m gonna make it really hard and uncomfortable for her to act that way because here in this brain-world I’ve been told to act this way.” Regardless of how it shows up it’s usually uncomfortable!
Though this doesn’t sound inviting, this is a good thing! Discomfort is proof you’re moving into a new state of being. Discomfort is just a normal occurrence that you must push through! As they say, “It’s darkest before the dawn!”
In the first post, I mentioned that this is about commitment to change, it’s being intentional about what perspective you approach life with! Casting off the old way of looking at things & the old way of thinking about things! To do this, if there’s one thing you get from this video, it is to question the thoughts you are thinking, embrace the ones that feel good and evict the ones that don’t!
Embrace The thoughts that empower you & let them gain momentum in your life. You have permission to play full out even though you’re not perfect! You have permission to seek the highest vibrating thoughts; the best feeling thoughts! If you wanna live a limitless life, you just can’t limit your happiness!
Sometimes a person may experience being uncomfortable with happiness and joy. Take a good look at your life, are you thinking up to your full potential? We all deserve joy, joy is the state of worship and is a place of humility and there’s nothing wrong with that!!
The one thing you want to take away from this post is to watch & question your thoughts and ask yourself, “Is this Thought True?”
This is the question you must ask yourself
“Is this thought True?”
And if it’s not, debunk it and stop giving your power away to it. Take your power back!
I also wanna hear your personal takeaway, so leave it in the comments so others can learn and grow alongside with us!