Divine Download Painting Description
“Divine Download” 2 x 3 feet Acrylic Painting by Matilda Wentzel
This painting and its title I’m sure do enough to speak for themselves. As with all my paintings I would love for you to imagine your own interpretation before diving into mine.
I had this image come to me multiple times in different ways while meditating. It illustrates a few aspects of meditation. When we slow down and quiet our minds it allows space for us to receive and release. To me, prayer has always been a give and take, a time to accept gifts and a time to give my own offering.
The wonderful thing about quieting our conscious minds is that we then have space to accept new thought patterns from the Super Conscious Mind. If we go about our days so full of our own ideas we may miss the wonderful opportunity to be inspired to new levels of thinking. We can never force ourselves to uplevel and contribute to the evolution of thinking, but we can step out of the way long enough to let it happen naturally.
Matilda Wentzel with her painting “Divine Download” Photograph by Lia Sol see her photos at Lia Sol
There are endless worlds of intelligence beyond what we could learn in school or on the internet. We witness leading edge artwork, music, and writing and it shows us what is possible to access through the flow zone. Imagine if we lived out every day in the flow zone. What if every action and thought were inspired?
To be inspired is to be in spirit, and the root meaning of spirit is “to breathe”. Breathing is the most natural thing any of us could do, and so it is to say that our lives can be lived in a natural way too. This is something I have been focusing on lately. What would I be like if I was natural and organic? Letting go of false ideas I’ve adopted into my identity and recognizing my true self. What would I be like if I could let go of the things I’ve been thinking way too hard about and welcome in thoughts that are of a higher vibration?
To access higher vibration thoughts we have to let go of the lower ones. Mediation gives us a place to release the cares of hearts. It’s definitely a practice! Each day I practice my meditation exercise it feels different. Some days I know without a doubt I’m accessing greater wisdom and having epiphanies! Mostly through feelings rather than actual words. Yet other days it feels like a trap and there’s much more resistance. Either way I know this practice is such a huge and pivotal point for my growth and many other people proclaim the same.
This painting is about those times meditating that make you want to come back for more! Where even in our little bodies we have something to contribute to the cosmic swirl of universal love! We experience a sense of being grounded. A sense of unity with the Source, as though we are the supply.
Close up detail from “Divine Download”