During this process of creating these videos I have learned so much! Sharing this information that I have been practicing in my own life has helped me to memorize it & integrate even more! So thank you for accepting me as I show up in life this way!
I want to emphasize 3 things that are the determining factors in success, they are the foundation! Without them nothing I've said to you so far will take root.
You need these 3 things as a strong foundation to build upon.
& You’ll use the tools I’m mentioned around thoughts, words, and action to do all this building.
The 3 pieces of the foundation to success are:
Belief in the possibility of your desired outcome
Perseverance, the ability to push through and never give up
To address and include the subconscious mind
I’ve mentioned all these already, but I wanna put further emphasis on why they are so important.
When I first posted about these videos I mentioned how these tools helped me overcome anxiety and depression, however I just wanted to be completely clear that there was a lot more that went into it. It wasn't like 5 weeks of being exposed to this information that I was able to completely heal. But Having an understanding around these concepts really tied everything together for me and helped me to actually practice what I was learning.
Learning and practicing are 2 different things. Maintaining an empowering state of mind is a practice!
Also, real quick, I had a question about the higher self. That’s just another way of talking about “identity.” It's a way of identifying with something different than what your identifying with now, particularly for our discussion, identifying with a higher vibing way of thinking. This is a subconscious identification that takes time to form!
So getting into it!
#1 Belief
The most fortifying element in the foundation is belief, because we are only able to up level if we believe up leveling is possible.
The biggest shift for me happened when I was brought to the understanding that anything is possible, at one point I was under the assumption that it was impossible for me to get rid of anxiety, but once a therapist instilled the belief in me that it was not only possible, but also my birthright to be joyful, that’s when I really started to see a big shift.
When doubt is at play you are not actually able to shift into possibility. And the belief that something is possible is the number one thing needed when moving into new uncharted territories of growth we have no experience with.
So I would encourage you to ask yourself daily, “What do I believe is possible?”
and make it a specific question, ask yourself, “Do I believe wholeheartedly that this…..fill in the blank…..is a possibility for me?
Part of the foundation to growth is being able to release and let go of any doubt and fear, especially from inside of the subconscious mind. Fear we may not even know is holding us back will play out in our life for as long as we let it. We must address the fears in order to make space for the possibilities and the belief in the possibilities!
The strongest belief is fearless faith, not fearful faith!
Sometimes this means seeking out professional help which is widely available in many different forms and price points, sometimes even free with insurance. When seeking out therapy or coaching we should be proud of ourselves, there is no shame in getting help, it’s a sign of self respect and a way to respect others too. By working through big challenges, or even tiny little challenges that most people think they don’t need support for (amazingly therapy is good for that too) either way, when we take the time to work through these things we are able to move forward.
Being limitless means coming face to face with our limits and pushing past them! It’s only right to have a little extra added support when doing something like that! That’s why I’m a huge advocate of taking advantage of the mental health options available and not trying to navigate life all by yourself.
#2 Never Give Up
Another piece of the foundation is endurance, resilience, the “I don’t give up, I simply get up” attitude! Faithfulness!! Persistence and commitment! When I’ve been mentioning commitment, I’ve really been meaning it! Without a commitment to yourself your likelihood of giving up increases.
We must be wholeheartedly committed to the version of ourselves we truly want to be because the ONLY way to get there is to push through and never give up.
It requires a lot of strength to push through! And strength is a practice, a committed practice that requires a lot of grace and compassion. Part of the endurance is being in it for the long game, while at the same time knowing we’re bound to backslide sometimes and that’s totally ok. It’s normal to do that. Just cause it’s not easy doesn’t mean you should give up. This is about self control, control of the mind and body to overcome patterns of reaction.
Take fear off the throne and put your self back on there as the true ruler of your mind and body.
Take 100% responsibility of your mental health! Self control is not always easy but it’s SO necessary!!
I know It can actually be quite a lot work to be more aware and conscious all the time, and therefore It can also be very tiring and taxing, so part of congruent actions is resting. Please make sure you give yourself the gift of adequate rest and integrate REST into your practice.
Speaking of rest, how does all of this hard effort and work fit into the ease that I’ve been talking so much about?
Well when I say, “True growth happens easily and naturally when we stop doing the things that dim our light and pull us down & we naturally rise up to our truest potential.” I don’t mean it won’t be a challenge.
Natural beauty may bud easy enough, but breaking down the limiting beliefs and fear patterns is a whole ‘nother story.
I like to encourage an easy pathway because everyone’s journey is unique and why would I want to impose the fear of hardship if that’s not something you deal with, maybe my saying it will cause you to look for hardship and take a more challenging path than was necessary. So take all this with a grain of salt & ask yourself what’s right for you personally?
I know ease and flow is certainly the best way to go about transformation, but life is life, and sometimes it takes some grit and pushing through very painful stuff in order to keep our commitment to ourselves & not to give up.
While I’ve noticed it does get easier & easier the more and more we practice, there are still times I get tired or caught off guard and I slip back into the familiar thought patterns of negativity or anger. Those were the times when I’d make it worse by beating myself up, not having any compassion, grace or forgiveness for myself that I became very forceful and resistant, I resisted the feelings that needed to be processed in a healthy way and tried my darndest to force myself to be different and to be better, to change over night!
That’s the opposite of natural. What I mean by naturally letting yourself rise out of fear, is just not forcing. Giving yourself some sliding room and some extra compassion, some extra commitment! Naturally allowing it to happen just means not holding yourself to a standard that is too high for you to attain in every moment. It’s good to hold yourself to a high standard, but never beat yourself up when you fall short.
We just have to reinterpret the situation as part of the learning process that will eventually lead to our end goal. We don’t wanna lose sight of the higher self by giving up and getting caught up in temporary failures.
So how will you define failure? Can you redefine it as a strengthening exercise? Or somehow in contribution to who you are on the way to becoming? All along being content with who we are right now regardless.
So seriously, believe In the possibility beyond all else and it will become easier to have resilience! And know, resilience for you doesn’t have to look like the resilience the media portrays. Maybe your resilience is a simple as giving yourself a tissue when you’re crying, you must recognize yourself for the small ways you’re taking care of yourself before you can start with the big ways.
#3 Address and Include the Subconscious Mind.
Naturally the subconscious mind is gonna pick up on all this stuff anyways, but why not give it some extra help?!
Now there’s no way I can go into all the details of the subconscious mind here, just do some research, but basically it governs everything! Literally everything we do, say and accept as reality. Google it! 95%-99% of our life experience is governed by the programming within the subconscious mind.
The reason I think it’s so important to mention this is because while having awareness around my words, thoughts, and actions was what helped me practice the empowering state of mind, the actually change was happening within my subconscious. And furthermore I’ve seen more change in my behaviors and thoughts by reprogramming my subconscious mind than anything I’ve ever worked with! And even further of furthermores it’s been a total time-warp!! It’s been the quickest and fastest way I’ve seen change and transformation in my life. I literally could not say enough about including the subconscious mind in growth, it’s long lasting change and it’s effective immediately.
This is why I made the free meditation to go along with this series, it’s to reprogram your subconscious mind through repetition of empowering thought patterns. It reinforces everything I’ve been talking about in this whole series in 15 mins without using one single negative word, so you can rest assured every word your mind will pick up on is gonna be uplifting. If you haven’t downloaded that, you’re missing out not to. It’s not too late to start listening to it! Plus after listening to that for a few days, if you come back and re-listen to these videos, you’ll pick up on even more clues of growth and transformation! If nothing else, at least make your own recording and make sure to follow the affirmation advice in video number 2.
Repetition impresses the subconscious mind with new belief systems. Make those systems and programming empowering so that it is natural and automatic to live from such a positive stance.
Through practice, (i.e. repetition) you will maintain an empowering state of mind which opens you up to limitless possibilities and also to your own internal power you may not have known you even had!
That’s why I’ve said all along to listen to these videos multiple times, because of the repetition. It’s also not too late to go back and re-listen to the other 4 videos! You could literally listen to this entire program in a little over an hour. Use this link to be brought to the playlist. This is what I’m talking about with time warping, all you have to do is dedicate an hour a day or less to start to see massive shifts!
Also, our brain loves what is familiar. We return to the familiar again and again. Using subconscious reprogramming repetition we make what we desire to be familiar, actually familiar! It may not be familiar yet, but it will be!
At first when it’s unfamiliar, we encounter the cognitive dissonance and this discomfort is why it’s so important to employ self control until it does become familiar. But once you get the subconscious involved and on track with where you wanna be, the “easy ease” really starts to kick in! You’ll start embodying not only an empowering state of mind, but also an empowering state of being! Identifying with empowerment in every way. Seeing yourself and your reality from an empowering stance. All these things bubbling up and gushing over into more and more momentum !
Empowerment begins in different places for all of us. We like to think we’ll wake up next week and “be empowered” But next week’s empowerment may just look like getting out of bed feeling slightly different. Or maybe it’s a new sense of weak hope, not too strong but hope non the less. Or maybe it’s finally feeling some of those feelings you’ve been tucking away and having a breakdown. Sure from the outside a breakdown looks pathetic, but if that’s what you need, you’re not alone!! Even a breakdown can be interpreted as empowering as well.
I’ve been there, we each are processing life in the way that makes the most sense at the time. Eventually you just have to say, “I don’t care what I look like, I don’t care what they think of me. I know what’s good for me and I only care what I think about myself”.
You work with what you’ve got, eventually the flow of momentum carries what you’ve worked with down stream and and you naturally are led to the next level of empowerment on your specific and unique journey. Not everyone’s empowerment looks the same, where you are is where you are, accept it and work with it! Work with what you’ve got & don’t worry about the momentum. Let it take care of itself, because believe me, it will!
We are always growing, we never arrive!
Love Yourself
Loving yourself is a whole ‘nother topic, but I feel it’s very important to mention briefly. Loving ourselves is the starting point for most of us. If you don’t love yourself, you will not be able to accept the love others offer you or be able to truly love other. Not to mention, if God is Love, then one who does not fully love themselves is not able to feel the love of The Divine All-in-All. But at the same time, loving oneself actually leads to a connection and a relationship with The Source of Love much quicker than any religion or philosophy. If there’s one thing to take away from this entire series, it’s to seek to learn to love yourself! Even though I hardly talked about it, this really is the key to every other tool and foundational building block!
In ending, I wanna remind you that all of these concepts expand endlessly in all directions and they all connect back to each other as well, so it's very important for you to follow a hunch that you may have to look further into something that intrigued or resonated with you.
Remember the 3 pieces of the foundation are:
Belief in the possibility of your desired outcome
Perseverance, the ability to push through and never give up
To address and include the subconscious mind
Also remember the FREE STUFF, which includes an art print of this painting Congruent Vibrations and a subconscious reprogramming meditation which I encourage you to listen to every day for 30 days.