As I Sit Back, a poem

If I sit back

I see things unfolding

Like fabric cascading down in slow motion

Folds and ripples

Growing larger in their circles

Circular ripples in the water

Unfolding against the grassy Banks

Against The River's Edge

The shore of the lake

The splash of a waterfall



Each drop its own yet part of the whole beauty

Without that small drop everything would be different

I can't see the folds

The water droplets

The curtain like ripples

The cloth like movements

When I'm too close

When I'm only the drop of crystal rain

When I'm only the one bubble floating down the stream

When I'm just one ring of the ripple being carried to somewhere I can't see

But as I expand

My small circle growing larger

Picking up more water as I roll out into the new folds of fabric

I sit back and see

There is something

Much larger here than me


Magic Within, Magic Without, Magic With You! (two poems)


Follow The River, Find Life, Find The Source! ~ Ezekiel 47 Commentary