Stillness is the Current Place of Business

I'm very excited to be alive right now! I've been taking a step back from my art business and focusing on more important spiritual matters. This change of focus from the external circumstances of life to the internal & Eternal Oneness of my Being will effect everything! You will be effected! All things within and without over the whole world and every living thing in it will feel the ripples of the changes I am making in my life. After all, change begins with the Self & we have more connection to all things than we realize.

For a while I was bustin' butt out on the front lines of business and marketing, I kinda lost touch with myself for a bit. The pressure to be an alchemist and turn paintings into rent money became a little too much. I started judging myself and judging my paintings based on the cash flow, which was non-existent. Every area of my life was falling apart and I lost my sense of value....but not anymore!!

I'm currently taking some time to focus on myself and figure out what it means to be me. I just turned 25 and I'm so happy to say that after a long road of losing myself and identifying with external things to create my sense of worth, I'm finally realizing The True Christ in my life! I'm finally stepping into true salvation and walking the path of enlightenment!

I'm just at the beginning and have a long way to go, I'm not writing to say look at me, I'm just really excited! I've had a lot holding me down over the past few years and I had no idea how to access the power of Christ within myself that always available to me. I hardly understood spirituality at all! Those early stepping stones were important, no doubt, but as everything starts to click on a spiritual level and not just a head-knowledge-level, I can tell you, IT FEELS SO GOOD to be walking the walk and not just talking the talk! I always did my best to walk the walk but somehow missed the path I've always belonged on, but now that I'm on a NEW path I'm so excited for what's to come!

That being said, this time I'm taking out and setting aside to slow down, will wind up changing the way I do EVERYTHING, especially when it comes to my business as a Pro-Artist. It's already changed things, you'll notice if you haven't already. I'll try to keep you up to date with new blog posts, but stillness is my upmost priority and sometimes all the computer stuff needs to be on the back burner.

Either way, my beliefs are expanding, my heart is more full, & I have so much more power and control over my thoughts, words, and actions. And not only control but immense empowerment, endurance, and an over all sense of calm! I can't wait to share everything I've been learning with you! You'll hear about it all in my writing as perfect timing unfolds. You'll see it in my paintings too!


An Invitation to Join a Journey of Overcoming Anxiety, Depression & Low Self-Esteem


What genre of art does my work fit into?