Sacred Imagination
Sacred Imagination
a painting description
Matilda with her painting “Sacred Imagination”
There is a calm in the chaos
I find my center within
The sacred imagination beckoning me to come in
The ability to connect
To imagine
To believe in the possibilities of infinite fulfillment
Infinite pathways
The fruition of the mind
Laying out and playing out again and again
Exploring the depths within
And I find I am grounded
Centered in my space
Surrounded by truth
Surrounded by reality
As it expands around me
Revolves around me
All within me
As I become the catalyst of such existence
This piece has very deep and personal meanings for me. I believe it's interpretations can be endless (given the time to stare and contemplate).
Initially it was meant to illustrate finding a place of peace and calm even in the middle of chaos. Recently a song by "Nahko and Medicine for the People" titled "Great Spirit" comforted me as its lyrics played in my head...
"So which wolf will you feed?
One makes you strong, one makes you weak.
And those who know and those who seek,
Amidst the chaos, find your peace.
I know which wolf I'll feed."
...Some much needed words at the time.
This painting went on to teach me more about the power all of us hold within. Our ability to imagine! Imagination is the beginning point to all physical effects. When we imagine something to be true it becomes our prayer and we believe it!
It's important to be deliberate about what we think and imagine to be true about ourselves, others, our relationships, our finances & dreams. I'm speaking to myself here!
Just a reminder to be more aware of where we allow our mind to take us. Which pathway this time?!
Which ride, side, door, tunnel, funnel, or ladder will this particular belief lead me towards?
Lately I've been dropping the ball on this a bit, but there's nothing like a moment of despair to rekindle the passion and commitment that is needed to watch our thoughts. To question ourselves and see if we are believing the truth. And finding where in our imagination this is originating from so that we can stop expecting such rotten things. And then replace it with a new more empowering visualization and prayer.
Visualizations and meditations are not just something we set aside time for. These are things we are constantly doing whether we realize it or not, either consciously or unconsciously. All the more reason to check in within as often as possible.