The Benefits of a Broken-Heart
“Broken” Original Painting by Matilda Wentzel
This piece is titled "Broken" and created to express and release deep sorrow.
Sorrow sets our hearts into a different space; it opens us up to a different perspective. Especially prolonged sorrow like grief can almost be unbearable and forces us to dig deep into our heart to find what really matters, what's worth living for.
It causes us to ask deep questions like, what am I here on this earth for?
Who am I?
What's my true identity when everything seems like it's been taken away from me?
More than anything sorrow gives us space. Perhaps it is an uncomfortable space, but within that brokenness we make space for other things we've been repressing and holding on to be released.
Breaking down to rebuild. Creating space for new growth.
The need for comfort and strength causes us to turn toward relief or outside sources of strength instead of relying only upon ourselves.
This could be healthy or unhealthy, taking the form of looking to God, or it could cause us to turn to an unhealthy vice like substance abuse. Thankfully I as mentioned in my recent video I am turning to sobriety and God.
When we humble ourselves and let ourselves be pliable, we are making space for supernatural changes to our heart.
Perhaps brokenness it right where God wants me these days.
Not a form of self-pity or an excuse to have low self-esteem, rather finding my true worth in God's love for me and trusting the plan of my life leads to brighter days.
In the middle of it, it's not easy to teach, I'm not in sharing mode as much as I have been in the past, but thanks for sticking by my side to watch my growth.
I do speak a little on this topic in this recent podcast episode.
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” ~Psalm 34:18
“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.” ~Psalm 51:17
“You're blessed when the tears flow freely. Joy comes with the morning.” ~Luke 6:21
“Crying is better than laughing. It blotches the face but it scours the heart.” ~Ecclesiastes 7:3
Here's a poem I recently wrote about Heartbreak:
I may have a broken heart
but I don't have a heavy heart
I had a heavy heart before it broke
Now that it has broken
it has made way for the heaviness to escape and drain out
I have a lighthearted broken heart
it may be a broken
but it is lighter now