You Are Not Your Bank Account - You are So Much More!
I have been in my head lately about identity.
I did not run a Black Friday sale, does this make me a “bad” business woman? Or a “bad” artist?
Am I failing because I haven't been able to keep up with posting on social media like some of the artists that I look up to?
The answer is as much “No” for me as it is for you when you feel similar emotions.
Why do we think we need to live up to an idea of who we wanna be or think we “should” be. It is only an idea, nothing more than a story we are playing out like an actor on a screen. We write the script. We are the ones making the judgment of “bad” or “good”.
Let’s drop the “should”s! Let’s write a new story! Better yet, get out of the story entirely by slowing down our thought process (use a mindfulness practice like one of the ones I mention in this blog post).
We are so much more than the labels we try to fit into. We do this in order to feel safe in our story. To feel like we have purpose or meaning through our accomplishments, but it’s all a facade of ideas and storylines that really have nothing to do with who we truly are.
“Congruent Vibrations” Original 12 x 12 inch Acrylic Painting by Matilda Wentzel
Recently I picked up a job, which has added a lot to my schedule and really dissolved my schedule entirely. I’ve been working towards finding a new routine. Some of my art business initiatives have taken a back burner until I can get a new rhythm going. My perception of this has caused me to judge myself for not doing what I’m passionate about. All this obvious reactivity is a sure indicator of which thought patterns are no longer serving me. Time to let them go.
I’m sure you can relate when looking at your own life, what areas of reactivity are showing up? What thought patterns are you ready to release?
Getting a job has been a re-irritation of an old wound. I've come up against my identity. What does it mean for an artist to have a job? Does it mean I’ve failed? ..etc.
Although I have been selling art and chose to get a job to invest extra back into my business, my egoic self still wants to create all these stories of what I am. It’s old conditioning. Old fears have come back to be released once and for all.
In truth I am not defined by a job, or by how much money I bring in on Black Friday. You are not your bank account either, you are not what you can accomplish. You are not your age, your skin, or any other labels! You are so much more! More limitless than the old fears want you to believe. It’s time to take our power back!
“Dressed With Strength” Original 8 x 8 inch Painting by Matilda Wentzel
We are so much more, so much more than what's happening at this moment. More than our past or what will happen in the future. We are a Larger Awareness.
We can choose to perceive in a healthy or unhealthy way. Do we let the old thought patterns reign, or do we take back the reins?
One step towards seeing ourselves in a healthier manner is stepping out of the storyline that we've identified with. Recognizing ourselves as infinite!
We are not what we can accomplish in a day. There’s no need to beat ourselves up over something that we didn't do. Eventually it all gets done. Here I am after all, showing up, writing an email!
We have the ability to accomplish more with less.
When our desire is for Peace, that’s our largest work. It’s less to do, to just quiet down, calm down, sit down, get our head on straight before we go try to accomplish anything else.
Perhaps the things that are on the do list do not lead us towards peace. We think by accomplishing them we will then find peace, when really it is available now.
That which takes priority is taking care of our perspective of ourselves. If that means putting things on hold for a while so that we can come to a place where we know our own Divinity, Wholeness and Power, then we also know that when those other things do get done, they'll get done with more alignment. They will be backed with more power, which will lead to more of the satisfaction and successes that we strive for. Our end goal is available now, especially when that goal is peace and ease.
My ego wants to tell me that making the perfect email sequence is going to bring me the success and satisfaction that I'm looking for, but I know that it's only when I take a step back and get to feeling good that I can write emails like actually bring value to my list!