Finding Awareness to Find Peace

The Goat Guardian

Painting Description


“The Goat Guardian” Acrylic Painting by Matilda Wentzel ORIGINAL HAS SOLD

Skiing is at a tie with painting as my favorite thing to do! So when I saw my first mountain goat out skiing I immediately wanted to paint one! There is nothing like encountering wildlife to give you the feeling of awe and wonder! I spent the rest of the season trying to get a good picture of one, finally within the last few days of the season I got a picture of a pregnant mamma sitting in the sun with her eyes closed, looking as peaceful as a fuzzy animal can! 

     When I was well into this painting, practically done, I ran across a verse in scripture that described this painting perfectly!

     "The high mountains are for the wild goats; the rocks are a refuge for the rock badgers. He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting."

Psalms 104:18‭-‬19

     At first I did not know if it had any significance, but after thinking about it for a while, I realized its meaning for me. It is saying that everything has its time & place! All of a sudden, like a divine strike, this painting took on a whole new meaning! 

Everything has it’s place

It’s childish fun design of life

The sun comes up with its rhythms

The moon echoing its pattern

That fearless goat resting in the sun

Soaking up it’s own balance

Between lying down and leaping

From cliff to cliff

From Morning to Morning

Each day embodying it’s own space

Leading on to the next waking wonder


This painting was published in my book with a different poem, as follows:


Hello to the open white

A snowy sight

Bright in the light

Of the steady sun

Shifting the shadows

As the time passes

Everything relaxes

And then comes the moon

The laughter is rising

There’s always perfect timing

Stand here, sit still, then dance

Energy is a romance.


A tool for dealing with worry and anxiety, based on Micah 6:1-8


It Takes Time to Grow in Relationship