Paths are twisty and unpredictable, and that's how they should be.



I am resilient.I am indebted to no one, not even myself. I'll be like water and look for the path of least resistance; morph and change without fear !

I wrote this out in BIG GIANT LETTERS in my journal the other day, after I had made a very liberating decision.

Sometimes the most liberating decisions are also the hardest decisions to make.

I have spent the last 9 months crying and stressing over building a website from scratch. I was not writing code, although I did learn a little bit about code and wrote a little code. But I was learning everything that goes into a website &  it was really over my head and overwhelming. So it led to a lot of stress and craziness.

For the longest time I was not willing to make a U-turn from this hard path because I was fearful of wasting my time and money that I had already put into the website. However when I reached the finishing point and completed the website, got it all finished and done, it was still having some glitches and breaking on me.  I decided I did not want to have to stress over it anymore and so I made the decision to kill my website and create a new one on Squarespace. 

It was a really scary decision to throw in the trash the hardest thing I've ever accomplished, which was building that old website. But in the long run I know it is the right decision because it has relieved me of a lot of stress.

And besides, I think the biggest lesson I've learned from this, is that no matter where you are on a chosen path, you can always turn around. You are not indebted to the energy you've already put into it. The time or money is not wasted because it teaches you things. We are on the right path even if halfway we decide to turn around. Paths are twisty and unpredictable, and that's how they should be.

From now on I will be quicker to be willing to change and morph.

From now on, I will know that nothing is wasted.

From now on, I will know that I have the power to change what I allow affect me. We are not always able to change our situations but we can change certain aspects that allow us to either restart or accept what is in our life to give us a more peaceful mindset!


Revisiting Painful Places


Branches of Light