Polarity - Visionary Painting with Artist Thoughts


A Painting Description

Now while I didn’t intend to illustrate “Polarity”, I felt the tug to title it such as it’s a topic I’ve been learning about recently. 

Originally, I just had a random hit, which I immediately scribbled in my sketchbook. How very obvious this was “channeled” or “downloaded” as to scribble down the sketch I had to get to a stop light as I was in the middle of driving! Lol. Of course, my trusty sketchbook is always within reach (rarely do I go anywhere without it). Hit the stoplight with just enough time to draw 2 spirals. A few days later I added the star and a few weeks later I added the arrows.

Originally I do believe this image came as an illustration of a concept an older mentor told me (Richard, 75 yrs old who I “randomly” met at the hot springs). He said something like, “You know about the spiral of depression, how you go down and down and down to the very depths of despair. But did you know the same is true in the opposite direction? You can uplevel and rise anew into the spiral of positivity, gratitude, satisfaction and love. Up and up! You will never exhaust the growth you can find!” How beautiful! Everything this guy has ever said to me has been like hearing from the lips of Christ himself!

Of course this idea ties in perfectly with polarity. While the subject of polarity could be a whole book in itself, my understanding of it is that based on our beliefs we are polarized to one pole of the “magnetic field” of a subject. Every subject has two sides to it. 

Let’s take the subject of self-esteem. When our beliefs polarize us to one end or the other of a subject, we will find we attract like a magnet, experiences that bring more proof to whatever it is we are believing around that subject.

So, if our esteem is high, we will hear others praising us, just as we do ourselves, all being a mirror of our inner speech, reflected on the screen of space. Same goes for low self-esteem, if we have low self-esteem we will twist and mis-interpret anything others might say into a self-degrading comment because we don’t believe in ourselves. It’s like being extra sensitive to comments. Whereas when we have high self-esteem no matter what anyone says we only care about our own opinion. You choose what spiral you get swept up in.

Our beliefs polarize us, just like the magnetic poles of the earth, it’s a law of nature that can’t be tampered with. 

Google says,

“The Electromagnetic Field is generated by the motion of molten iron in Earth's core, the magnetic field protects our planet from cosmic radiation and from the charged particles emitted by our Sun. It also provides the basis for navigation with a compass.”

Similarly, our reactivity to experiences is like a compass in that it brings awareness to what beliefs need to be released in order to move towards our goals. Also, like the earth's magnetic field, our beliefs can also protect us from the thoughts that run rampant. When we see from uplifting perspectives, even the most tragic of situations can be interpreted with optimism. Of course, it’s always a practice. Have you been practicing awareness? Will you start a practice of your own?

Part of the Inner Worlds series, check it out for lots of other spirals and vortex art! 

Will you think on your experience with the pull of your emotions?

Have you been practicing awareness around what you might be being polarized to?

Perhaps it is a negative or positive tug that's currently being seen in your life?
I bet it's both, a little here. A little there. 

Will you start an awareness practice of your own?

What would it look like to practice awareness?


How We Hypnotize Ourselves Everyday


The Vessel - Visionary Painting with Artist Thoughts