Embodiment's Beginning Original Painting

Sale Price:$4,250.00 Original Price:$5,875.00

CUSTOM PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE (Click HERE to set up a custom Plan) or choose AFTERPAY at checkout

  • Painting time = 162 hrs from Sept. 2020 to Oct. 2020

  • Original Acrylic Painting on 3 x 4 feet Level 3 professional grade gallery wrapped canvas.

  • Sides of canvas are painted with a galaxy design, ready to hang or can be framed.

  • Easily removable hanging wire on back, ready to hang or can be framed.

  • Sealed with Winsor & Newton Professional grade UV Protectant.

  • Painted with Winsor & Newton & Liquitex Professional grade Acrylic Paint.

  • Canvas sealed with Winsor & Newton Professional Grade Modeling Paste.

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CUSTOM PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE (Click HERE to set up a custom Plan) or choose AFTERPAY at checkout

  • Painting time = 162 hrs from Sept. 2020 to Oct. 2020

  • Original Acrylic Painting on 3 x 4 feet Level 3 professional grade gallery wrapped canvas.

  • Sides of canvas are painted with a galaxy design, ready to hang or can be framed.

  • Easily removable hanging wire on back, ready to hang or can be framed.

  • Sealed with Winsor & Newton Professional grade UV Protectant.

  • Painted with Winsor & Newton & Liquitex Professional grade Acrylic Paint.

  • Canvas sealed with Winsor & Newton Professional Grade Modeling Paste.

CUSTOM PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE (Click HERE to set up a custom Plan) or choose AFTERPAY at checkout

  • Painting time = 162 hrs from Sept. 2020 to Oct. 2020

  • Original Acrylic Painting on 3 x 4 feet Level 3 professional grade gallery wrapped canvas.

  • Sides of canvas are painted with a galaxy design, ready to hang or can be framed.

  • Easily removable hanging wire on back, ready to hang or can be framed.

  • Sealed with Winsor & Newton Professional grade UV Protectant.

  • Painted with Winsor & Newton & Liquitex Professional grade Acrylic Paint.

  • Canvas sealed with Winsor & Newton Professional Grade Modeling Paste.

Standing balanced here now, along with this earthy green girl, we ask, “Am I ready?”

“Am I ready to understand in such a way that my entire life is disturbed and disrupted? All I’ve ever known falling on its knees in reverent surrender to that which has been calling my name since the moment I was born!”

When the chaos of everything you thought you knew begins to reorganize in such a way that transcends mere head knowledge, you will find the extracted particles of light expanding into a rainbow checkerboard perfectly arranged, now becoming the stepping stones and foundation of every action to be taken throughout the rest of your life. When this chaos settles down, you, as well as I, find we are connected. Connected to one another, the rest the world, and to The One who holds it all together.

Beginning in a balanced place, like the earth, like the firm roots beneath us, we align with the girl standing on one foot. As peaceful as we ever were, as balanced & without wavering as the place of understanding we embrace. Standing so firm on that which is underneath our feet, a balanced place, a place of order. Becoming order as everything about you and I change on all levels of being. We are not this physical body alone; not only the cellular squares & shapes that make us up, we are everything. You hold everything inside of you, even me. 

Surely you can remember that time that struck you like tiny lightning bolts all over your skin! Something touched you. Like the caress of a lover, the fingers of God ran over your skin from the inside out & over your entire body appeared the physical evidence of an intimate interaction. A Spiritual interaction manifesting as tiny chill bumps, the goosebumps of high emotional vibration. Barely recognizable from the eyes looking on, so tiny, almost unseen, yet strangely strong within your reality. Shivers down your spine and the hair standing up on the back of your neck, as tiny muscles attached to every single hair tighten in response to the chemicals released from your brain as your high vibing emotions elate your existence! 

Within our center we remember this first noticeable sign of the connection between body and The Divine. We are not just the cells that make up our physical being but neither are we disconnected from this form. Temporary & so very tangible, our body is the connector, that which allows us not only to experience the existence of The Divine but also to embody “Them”.  As easy as one touches the dirt or grass in the forest, we have access to touching and becoming our Source. We are the very body of God. Our hands do “his” work, our feet walk “his” path. Beside the downcast, we are God’s own hands reaching out to them & lifting them up. 

Or are we? Are we just head knowledge? Are we simply stuck in the ideas and never truly embodying the beliefs? When was the last time we were God to someone? Even to ourselves? 

How often are we so connected to The Divine Being that we are being all “he” has called us to be? 

If we embody all that exists, one another and creation itself; if we have power over the elements and connection to the minds and hearts of loved ones far away, tell me then, how often do we exist in such a way that upholds this? How often, if not daily, will we acknowledge this piece of us? This piece that is our arms and fingers, the very arms and fingers of God. We don’t know much about God, but we know for sure “she” is not human, so then when you are called by your intuition to act, do not shorten the arm of God by forgetting you are “her” arm in action. Surely if you deny The God Piece inside of you, “he” will find someone more willing to obey “his” Divine inspiration. But how sad to miss the overwhelming satisfaction of God’s power moving through you. Will you shrink back or rise above fear? Is the discomfort so much that we’ve lost sight of the beauty of watching our lives be rearranged into something more glorious? 

Spirituality goes so much further than layers of reality, it is as if a piece of humanity believes the spiritual realm were separated from this physical embodiment of God’s Glory in all of nature and everyone we meet. The beginning may be the chill bumps; those times of complete surrender to peace and gratitude, when the physical vibrations of those intangible emotions run rampant throughout our bodies, taking over our being & bursting at the seams, streaming light to everything and everyone near and dear! That may be the beginning, but if the beginning is that good, why wouldn’t we journey further? Why wouldn’t we find what embodiment means in our own life? That unique call on our gifts and interests that’s meant to be expressed and not bottled up inside of us; disappointed on its deathbed. 

This is only a picture, a small depiction of the possibilities of what could be happening in the layer of our skin! Would you not daily strive to be in such a place that causes intense peaceful emotions so as to overcome your body with physical evidence? If we are not experiencing our lives moving with energy, as we watch ourselves show up in the lives of others in Divine ways; as we watch ourselves saying the things God would say and being the man or woman God would - and has - called us to be, then I would say, a little shake up, a little disruption might be welcome! 

Is this to say we are perfect and everything we do is in alignment with The Way, The Truth & The Life? Not at the beginning, but the possibilities of all we are is begging to come out! Part of that embodiment is forgiveness, grace, and compassion for ourselves as we are still learning and growing! We will never reach the limits of what is possible or perfect in our lives, but we will always find a very joyous and fulfilling progression if we step beyond the fear of imperfection. If we step into the very presence of The Divine, and allow “his & her” presence to step into us, we will ‘walk and talk’ the things we believe, we will keep going when we fail, & we will care for others because we care for ourselves and we are all one in the same! 

Embodiment is when we live out what we believe! Embodiment begins when we start to walk the talk, when we start to show fruit of the things we've come to understand. Embodiment is when we are the presence of God because we carry The Presence within us, within our physical form that gives us access to and power within everything that exists, not only in the physical realization of matter, but also the things with are outside of our understanding of time, those things that are at the core of the energetic and vibrational reality. 

Something happens on the physical “level” when you understand and act from the spiritual “level” you look different and you act different; you speak different and you respond to people differently, you're completely different! Changed! Renewed! A new spirit! A new man, a new woman!!

Who are you?

Who are you being right now?