The Awakening of the Senses
This series is an illustration of the metaphysical connection of body and spirit. Beginning with simple manifestations of vibration in the body such as goosebumps and moving on to illustrate the five senses, ending at the sixth sense of infinite possibility.
My intention is to unify the seemingly separate realms of spirituality and physicality – a picture of the two as one. Our bodies are tools we use to have two-way communication with God. Indeed, embodying The Divine.
Each piece illustrates a personal development practice that has helped me to release limitations and show up as my best self. Conveying topics of “Embodiment and Unity”, “Listening and Silence” (hearing), “Identity and the Self Image” (smell), “Perspective” (sight), “Speech” (taste), “Sexuality and Oneness” (Touch), and finally “Intuition and Emotion” (sixth sense).
As I have sense come back to my Faith in Christ the video below no longer holds true to my current belief set, but it was at the time what I was experiencing and so I thought I would leave it up for you to listen.
This series was created at a time of much confusion, I sought to infuse one world of belief with another, not realizing to live in two opposing words is an illusion, no matter how well they seem to fit together. In the end one is tainted or loses some of its validity.
All Artwork is created with the highest quality professional supplies so that the work lasts generations to come. Learn more about the quality of the art here.